What is Legends of the 90s?
Legends of the 90s is an invite only car meet showcasing the best examples of 90’s era automobiles. Started in 2015, the event has evolved to become THE gathering for tastefully built neo-classics.
What cars are eligible to join?
Cars that were in production from 1990 to 1999 are eligible to apply for the meet. We also accept cars that started production before 1990 but were in production during the 90s as well as later cars that were produced at the tail end of the 90s going into the 2000s
How do I join?
We open an online application for the meet about 2-3 times a year depending on how many meets we are planning to organize. Needless to say we have a very strict vetting process to ensure the quality of the builds that are showcased. We do however still try to curate a variety of different examples of 90s cars and everyone is welcome to submit their cars (not just sportscars or rare automobiles).